Academic qualifications:
1989PhD (University of Waterloo, Canada)
1979M.App Sc (Hons I) (Lincoln University, New Zealand)
1977 BSc. (University of Canterbury, New Zealand
Professional positions held: (years, position, institution, activity)
· Editorial Board - 3 International journals (tourism)
· WTO (World Tourism Organisation) / UNDP /WWF Consultant - 10 occasions
· IUCN Commission on National Parks and Protected Areas (invited member 1997-1999; Tourism expert group 1999 – present)
· Member Lincoln University - Research Committee (1998 to 2005)
· Chair Department - Research Committees (1996 – 2005)
· NZVCC appointee to tourism degree accreditation panels.
Director of Research )2008 – 2010) Australian Sustainable Tourism Cooperative Research Centre
Simmons, D G and Fairweather, J R. (eds). 2005. 'Understanding the Tourism Host-Guest Encounter in New Zealand: Foundations for Adaptive Planning and Management'. EOS Ecology, Christchurch, New Zealand.(Simmons D G, and Butcher G V (authors for) : (NZ) Ministry of Tourism, NZ Tourism Industry Association, Tourism New Zealand, Lincoln University (2007) Enhancing the Economic and Financial Yield in Tourism – summary report of the yield research programme, retrievable at
Sleeman R., Simons, D.G., 2004. ‘Tourism Planning Toolkit for Local Government’. Electronic Book published at
Sustainable Tourism Online (2009) (Interactive portal for: destination management; resource management and tourism enterprise management). (Paper commissioner, editor in chief)
Qian Sun, Pip Forer, Jinfeng Zhao, David Simmons, (2013), Space, Time, Activity and Human Error: Using Space–Time Constraints to Interrogate the Degree of Uncertainty in Survey-Based Movement Datasets, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography 2013, pp 89-117
Clive Smallman, Kevin Moore, Jude Wilson, David Simmons (2012), Case Studies of International Tourists’ in-Destination Decision-Making Processes in New Zealand, in Kenneth F. Hyde, Chris Ryan, Arch G. Woodside (ed.) Field Guide to Case Study Research in Tourism, Hospitality and Leisure (Advances in Culture, Tourism and Hospitality Research, Volume 6), Emerald Group Publishing Limited, pp.297-315
Moore, K, Cushman, J.G., and Simmons, D.G. 2007. Behavioural conceptualization of tourism and leisure. In: S Page and J Connell (eds.) Leisure Studies: Critical Concepts in the Social Sciences Routledge, London and New York, pp. 242-264.
Braken, O, Devlin, P and Simmons, D G. 2007. Conservation, wildlife and indigenous tourism: Longhouse communities in and adjacent to Batang Ai National Park, Sarawak, Malaysia. In: R Butler and T Hinch (eds.) Tourism and Indigenous Peoples. Elsevier, United Kingdom, p.141-160.
Simmons, D G, Becken, S and Cullen, R. 2007. Assessing tourism yield: An analysis of public sector costs and benefits. In: J Tribe and D Airey (eds.) Developments in Tourism Research. Elsevier, London, p.95-106.
Horn, C M and Simmons, D G. 2006. Research contributions to tourism destination management: A comparison between Rotorua and Kaikoura, New Zealand. In: J Cukier (ed.) Tourism Research: Policy, Planning and Prospects. University of Waterloo, Canada, p.89-117.
Becken, S and Simmons, D. G. 2005. Tourism, Fossil Fuel Consumption and the Impact on the Global Climate, pp. 192-206. In: C M Hall and J Higham (eds.) Aspects of Tourism: Tourism, Recreation and Climate Change. Channel View Publications, United Kingdom.
Simmons, D G and Fairweather, J. R. 2005. 'Tourism planning and management: A research approach'. In: D Simmons and J Fairweather (eds.) Understanding the Tourism Host-Guest Encounter in New Zealand: Foundations for Adaptive Planning and Management. Ch 1, 1-20. EOS Ecology, Christchurch.
Shone, M C, Horn, C M, Moran, D and Simmons, D G. 2005. Adapting to tourism: Community responses to tourism in five New Zealand tourism destinations. Ch 5, 83-106. In: D Simmons and J Fairweather (eds.) Understanding the Tourism Host-Guest Encounter in New Zealand: Foundations for Adaptive Planning and Management. EOS Ecology, Christchurch.
Memon, P A, Shone, M C and Simmons, D G. 2005. 'Strategic planning for tourism development in New Zealand'. Ch 9, 217-242. In: D Simmons and J Fairweather (eds.) Understanding the Tourism Host-Guest Encounter in New Zealand: Foundations for Adaptive Planning and Management. EOS Ecology, Christchurch.
Simmons, D G and Fairweather, J R. 2005. 'Conclusion: Planning and Managing for Sustainable Tourism'. Ch 11, 257-266. In: D Simmons and J Fairweather (eds.) Understanding the Tourism Host-Guest Encounter in New Zealand: Foundations for Adaptive Planning and Management. EOS Ecology, Christchurch.
Moore K, Smallman C, Wilson J, Simmons D (2012) ‘Dynamic in-destination decision-making: An adjustment model’ Tourism Management Volume 33, Issue 3, June 2012, Pages 635–645
Jinfeng Zhaoa*, Pip Forera, Qian Sunb & David Simmons, (2013) Multiple-view strategies for enhanced understanding of dynamic tourist activity through geovisualization at regional and national scales, Cartography and Geographic Information Science DOI:10.1080/15230406.2013.783449
Turton, S., Dickson, T., Hadwen, W., Jorgensen, B., Duc Pham, T., Simmons, D., Tremblay, P., and Wilson, R. (2009) Building a model for tourism climate change assessment: evidence from four contrasting Australian case studies’, Journal of Sustainable Tourism: Special Issue for Climate Change 18 (3), 449-473
Duc Pham, T., Simmons, D., and Spurr, R. (2009), Climate Change Induced Economic Impacts on Tourism Destinations: The case of Australia, Journal of Sustainable Tourism 18 (3), 429-447
Shen, F, Hughey, K F and Simmons, D.G. 2008. Connecting the Sustainable Livelihoods Approach and Tourism: A Review of the Literature. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management 15: 19-31.
Becken, S. and Simmons, D. 2008. Using the concept of yield to assess the sustainability of different tourist types. Ecological Economics 67: 420-429.
Churugsa, W, McIntosh, A.J. and Simmons, D.G. 2007. Sustainable Tourism Planning and Development: Understanding the Capacity of Local Government. Leisure Loisir 31(2): November 453-473.
Reiser, A and Simmons, D G. 2005. A Quasi-Experimental Method for Testing the Effectiveness of Ecolabel Promotion. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 13(6): 590-616.
Fairweather, J R, Maslin, C L and Simmons, D G. 2004. Environmental Values and Response to Ecolabels among International Visitors to New Zealand. Journal of Sustainable Tourism 13(1): 82-98.
Becken, S., Simmons, D. and Frampton, C. 2003. Segmenting tourists by their travel pattern for insights into achieving energy efficiency. Journal of Travel Research 42(1): 48-56
Becken, S., Simmons, D., and Frampton, C. 2003. Energy use associated with different travel choices. Tourism Management 24(3): 267-278.
Research Monographs (refereed)
Moore, K., Smallman, C., Wilson, J.D., and Simmons, D.G. 2009. Yield-Relevant Tourist Decision Making. Milestone report for FoRST-funded 'Enhancing the Spatial Yield in Tourism' programme. Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand.
Wason, K, Sleeman, R and Simmons, D.G. 2007. Enhancing financial and economic yield in tourism: Business support programme for small and medium enterprises: Existing initiatives and delivery mechanisms. Report #9. Lincoln University, Canterbury pp. 1-57.
Cullen, R, Becken, S, Butcher, G, Lennox, J, Marquardt, M, Simmons, D.G. and Taylor, N. 2005. Public Sector Benefits and Costs of Tourism. Tourism Recreation Research and Education Centre (TRREC), Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand.
Butcher, G, Lennox, J, Becken, S and Simmons, D.G. 2007. Enhancing financial and economic yield in tourism. Report #11. Lincoln University, Canterbury. pp. 1-31. 2007
Sleeman, R, Wason, K Moriarty, J. and Simmons, D.G. 2005. Enhancing Financial and Economic Yield in Tourism: Business Interviews Report. Tourism Recreation Research and Education Centre (TRREC), Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand.
Wason, K, Sleeman, R and Simmons, D.G. 2007. Enhancing financial and economic yield in tourism: Small tourism business survey report. Lincoln University, Canterbury. pp. 1-68.
Moriarty, J and Simmons, D.G. 2007. Enhancing financial and economic yield in tourism: Business interviews: Financial yield benchmarks. Report #8B. Lincoln University, Canterbury, pp. 1-11.
Moriarty, J. and Simmons, D.G. 2006. Enhancing Financial and Economic Yield in Tourism: Sector Performance and Business Benchmark Report, Tourism Recreation Research and Education Centre (TRREC), Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand.
Wason, K, Sleeman, R, Moriarty, J and Simmons, D.G. 2007. Enhancing financial and economic yield in tourism: Business interviews report. Report 8a. Lincoln University, Christchurch. pp. 1-77.
Becken, S, Butcher, G, Cullen, R, Moriarty, J, Radford, J J, Simmons, D.G., and Tan, J. 2005. Dimensions and measurements of tourism yield. Tourism Recreation Research and Education Centre (TRREC), Lincoln University, Canterbury, New Zealand, pp. 1-52.
Refereed Papers
Simmons, D. G., 2013 : tourism and eco-system services, CAUTHE conference, Lincoln University Feb.
Jinfeng Zhao, Pip Forer, Qian Sun and David Simmons ‘Multiple view geovisualisation of tourist activities in space and time at different scales’ Proceedings - AutoCarto 2012 - Columbus, Ohio, USA - September 16-18, 2012
Moore k, Smallman C, Wilson J, Simmons D (2011) Observations of Tourists' In-destination Decision-making Processes: A Perspective from New Zealand CAUTHE conference 2010 University of Tasmania, Australia
C. Doscher, K. Moore, C. Smallman, J. Wilson, and D. Simmons’ An Agent-Based Model of Tourist Movements in New Zealand: Implications for Spatial Yield’, 19th International Congress on Modelling and Simulation, Perth, Australia, 12–16 December 2011
Simmons, D.G., Turton, S., Hadwen, W., Jorgensen, B., Wilson, R., Tremblay, P., Dickson, T., Lynch, A., and Duc Pham, T. 2009. Building a model for tourism climate change assessment – evidence from five Australian case studies. Presented by L Dwyer at the International Association for Tourism Economics (IATE) Conference, 11-13 December, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Simmons, D.G., Turton, S., Hadwen, W., Jorgensen, B., Wilson, R., Tremblay, P., Dickson, T., Lynch, A., and Duc Pham, T. 2009. Building a model for tourism climate change assessment – evidence from five Australian case studies. Presented at the 7th International Symposium on Tourism and Sustainability - TRAVEL & TOURISM IN THE AGE OF CLIMATE CHANGE: Robust Findings, Key Uncertainties, 8th-10th July, University of Brighton, UK.
Duc Pham, T., Simmons, D.G., and Turton, S. 2009. Tourism impact under climate change effects on regional economies: the case of Australia. Presented at the 7th International Symposium on Tourism and Sustainability - TRAVEL & TOURISM IN THE AGE OF CLIMATE CHANGE: Robust Findings, Key Uncertainties, 8th-10th July, University of Brighton, UK.
Shen, F, Hughey, K F and Simmons, D.G. 2008. Connecting the sustainable livelihoods approach and tourism: a review of the literature. CAUTHE Conference, 11 February, Queensland, Australia.
Simmons, D.G., Becken, S, Moore, K and Smallman, C. 2008. In search of the elusive high yielding tourist - an agent based modeling approach. New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, 3 December, Hanmer Springs, Canterbury, New Zealand (ABSTRACT).
Shen, F, Hughey, K F and Simmons, D.G. 2007. Rethinking the sustainable livelihoods approach from a tourism perspective. Shaping Sustainable Tourism in Asia-Pacific; 21-23 September, Xiamen, China. pp.49-56.
Nguyen, V T, Simmons, D.G. and Radford, J J. 2005. A Pilot Study to Measure Yield Among New Zealand Tourism Businesses. CAUTHE 2005: Sharing Tourism Knowledge, Alice Springs, Australia.
Wisansing, S, Simmons, D.G. and McIntosh, A.J. 2004. Community Driven Tourism Marketing: Tensions Towards Implementation Lessons Learned from Thailand. Hospitality, Tourism and Foodservice Industry in Asia: Development, Marketing and Sustainability; Phuket, Thailand; p.150-160.
Becken, S., Hart, P., and Simmons, D.G. 2004. Mitigating the Greenhouse Gas Contribution of Tourism to Climate Change. New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference 2004; Wellington, New Zealand: Wellington, New Zealand. Victoria University; p.A5.
Shone, M.C., Simmons, D.G., Horn, C.M., and Moran, D. 2004. Adapting to Tourism: Community responses to tourism in five New Zealand tourism destinations. New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference 2004; Wellington, New Zealand: Wellington, New Zealand. Victoria University; p.A72.
Simmons, D.G. 2004. 'Tourism Planning and Practice in New Zealand.' CAUTHE 2004 Creating Tourism Knowledge, University of Queensland, The School of Tourism and Leisure Management, Brisbane, Australia.
Simmons, D.G. 2004. 'Tourism in Christchurch: Destination Evolution and Recommendations for Management.' Tourism Planning and Practice in New Zealand'. CAUTHE 2004: Creating Tourism Knowledge, University of Queensland, School of Tourism and Leisure Management, Brisbane, Australia.